How to get a number – Membership Card
Get a membership card at any of our box locations. Fill out the card to receive your permanent GOLD RUSH number and place half of the card in the box. You can also call the club and sign up over the phone. Request a membership # NOW on-line. Your membership number will be placed in a draw bin located at The Boys & Girls Club. Each week one number from the draw bin will be drawn.
Weekly Play
Please play only one toonie per number each week. If a player plays more than the weekly amount at any box location, we cannot validate that amount if something happens to damage the box or its contents (for example a fire or theft). We would only be able to validate the play for the current week. If a player chooses to play more than one toonie each week, they assume the risk as we cannot ensure this type of pre-payment until it has been received AND processed at our office. Please underline your number – they look different upside down.
Gold Rush boxes will be collected very early on Wednesdays (times may vary due to weather, etc.) Play your toonie by the end of day on Tuesdays to be sure you are in for the draw. If you are late playing at a box location, players may be able to play over the phone (Visa/MC) or in person at the Club Admin office up until 10:30 am the day of the draw. Please contact the office for more information. The current draw date is displayed on the top of the box. All toonies’ membership numbers collected from the boxes will be recorded for that weekly draw. Only put in one toonie per membership number, as each number will be placed in the ballot bin only once per draw. (although you can pre-pay, see below) The draw will be every Thursday at the Boys & Girls Club. Winners will be contacted and winning number will be announced on 106.9 Capital FM. The winner will receive half of the proceeds from the GOLD RUSH draw. If your number is drawn, and you did not put in your toonie for that weekly draw, your half of the proceeds will be added to the following weeks draw.
Players MUST be residents of New Brunswick. If they move outside of the Province of New Brunswick, their Gold Rush Membership will be forfeited at that time. Please contact the Club if your address has changed even within the province, as we need to have your current mailing address on file at all times. Players must be 19 years or older.
Pre-payment Option
To pre-pay, please call the Club office at 472-5112 to pay over the phone using your Visa/MC or in person at the office using credit or debit. You can pay for 10 weeks ($20), 6 months ($52) or 1 year ($104). Players must check their pre-pay date on our website regularly to ensure they have the correct date or contact the office.